1. when installing isapi-redirector, actually not need create entries in registry, just create a text file named ' isapi_redirect.properties' and put it in the same directory of 'isapi_redirect.dll'.
the contains of the file may be like below:
# Configuration file for the Jakarta ISAPI Redirector
# The path to the ISAPI Redirector Extension, relative to the website
# This must be in a virtual directory with execute privileges
# Full path to the log file for the ISAPI Redirector
log_file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\log\isapi_redirect.log
# Log level (debug, info, warn, error or trace)
# Full path to the workers.properties file
worker_file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi director\conf\workers.properties
# Full path to the uriworkermap.properties file
worker_mount_file=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf\uriworkermap.properties
2. after create virtual directory 'jakarta' in IIS6 or IIS7, need create web service extensions in order to allow jakarta to run,
for IIS6, click 'Add a new web service extension', then key in 'Extension name:" as 'jakarta'; 'Required files:' as 'isapi_redirect.dll' and check 'Set extension status to Allow'.
for IIS7, click 'Handler Mappings', then click 'Add Script Map...', then key in 'Request path:' as '.dll'; key in 'Executable' as ''isapi_redirect.dll' ; key in 'Name' as 'jakarta'.
Recently, I set up a intranet for our company, which running on Windows Server 2003, and web server is IIS 6. We use Apache Tomcat to serve the dynamic request from user, like sales report. There is a good link about how to link Tomcat 5.0 with IIS 6 on windows server 2003, which at http://tjworld.net/help/kb/0001_iis6-Tomcat5-JK2.html .
basically, the step is:
1. install JDK5.0
2. install tomcat
3. install isapi-redirector
4. on IIS, add a new extensions in web service extension.
5. restart server
to install admin service:
Files Needed:
1. Install tomcat
2. Unzip the admin package (we'll call it
3. Copy the entire directory
4. Copy the file
5. Restart your server.
Install jndi mail session
context.xml file:
web.xml file:
Finally, Your code should look like this...
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
Session session = (Session) envCtx.lookup("mail/Session");
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage( session );
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